Viasit presents the ?Drumback’ office chair by Martin Ballendat. The principle behind this construction and its refreshing design turn this chair into a true innovation in the office furniture industry. A classic in the making perhaps?
The Drumback owes its name to its construction: The chair lacks any upholstery or netted back. Instead, it combines the benefits of both materials in a fascinating way. The brilliant design idea by Martin Ballendat was to stretch the material over a polypropylene backrest just like a drum skin. Providing the user with the airy comfort of netweave. Thanks to its unique construction, the Drumback is more cost-efficient to manufacture than comparable products because the need for foam material for a back cushion is eliminated.
In addition, the Drumback design is more ecologically responsible than a traditional office chair. This is due to the fact that the back receives less static load than the frame required in a traditional office chair. As a result, the frame can be made of non-reinforced pure polypropylene which is 100% recyclable. Last but not least, this refreshing and modern-looking chair will earn its keep especially in the entry-level segment.